The Webmaster Himself

Name: Forrest
Age: 24 at time of writing
Gender: Male
Species: Human enough
Favorite Color: Warm grey
Likes: Comfortable clothes, Sunsets, Vampires, Werewolves, The natural world, My 'puter, Petting cats, Poetry, Medieval history, Long walks on cool nights with headphones on...
Dislikes: Nerve-wracking social interactions, Sudden, loud, or otherwise unpleasant noises
Best Traits: Imaginative...? Maybe someone other than me would be better at describing me.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, Neurotic, Tongue-tied, Reclusive, Bullheaded tendencies


    Unremarkable, I think? I mean, the world is full of awkward chubby white guys. It doesn't bother me too much. I'm 5'7.5" (that's around 171 cm I believe), I have a stocky build, bushy brows, thick black hair that I usually buzz short, a big nose, and a septum piercing. When I smile my face gets all circular, like a jolly elf.

    Even though I basically consider myself a furry, I don't like to represent myself with a "fursona" most of the time, like, I don't use an animal stand-in. I don't enjoy that level of disconnect between online identity and who I am as a person. I like feeling connected to my body and appearance.

    What I like to do instead is draw myself looking "human-ish". Pointed ears, a little implication of a dog nose texture on the underside of my nose, maybe a tail if I feel like it. Just for a bit of fun.

    That said, I do like to have my options. I used to have a leaf-nosed bat fursona, and still kinda do, I just prefer it to be a full-on bat, not an anthro body-shape. I do the same thing drawing myself as a grey wolf, and rarely, a wolf-headed guy, when I wanna go full furry. I guess you can think of the wolf and bat thing as, I dunno, a vampire thing.

    Not that I'm a vampire, even if I do feel like one sometimes with how exhausted I get when its bright out, and how alert I am at night.